TS Crew from Hong Kong is a group of performing artists with different backgrounds, and it is known for blending Chinese opera, dance, martial arts and stunt performance in its repertoire.
No Dragon No Lion features sections of martial arts and Chinese opera, however the main thrust of the production is a glimpse behind the talent it takes to perform lion or dragon dances. The costume is stripped away and we are left with the cane skeleton of the lion head, and the dragon is represented by red benches weaving their way around the playing area chasing a pearl. This is the joy of the production. As Westerners we are used to seeing the finished product. Seeing the physical effort and talent under the usual covering of the lion and dragon costumes is a revelation!
The production contains martial arts, kick boxing and ballet, all blended into a high energy display of athletic ability and impressive core strength. A recorded voice interjects at various intervals entreating the performers to practice and improve themselves. To me, it at times it sounded like recordings of Bruce Lee, but there as is no acknowledgment, I was not certain.
The music varies: ranging from the Pulp Fiction soundtrack to Bruno Mars and classical – much of this is performed by beatboxing, as are the sound effects - a simple heartbeat, very complex rhythm patterns, and sounds of the wind and sea – all being produced while the performers are also taking part in the action! At times I forgot I was listening to human voices!
No Dragon No Lion is an amazing slice of Asian culture. It is a glimpse into the art of the physicality of the dragon and lion dance. It is like having a backstage pass at Chinese New year celebrations!