A red spotlight shines and the iconic James Bond theme plays in the background. A handsome figure steps onto the stage, dressed in a classic black and white tuxedo, immediately capturing the audience with a spot-on Sean Connery impression that sets the tone for what’s to come. In Bonding, Cyril Blake takes us through the six-decade history of a franchise beloved by millions. From Sean Connery to Daniel Craig, he explores how the Bond character has evolved and changed over time.
Change and evolution are the two themes at play. While Blake recounts his love for James Bond, he also unpacks his relationship with his dad. They’ve only got one thing in common; yup, that’s right, their love of Bond. We all know father/son relationships are complicated and Blake tries to uncover an empathetic side to the equation. Blake also impressively critiques the character of Bond and what he represents, without being too preachy. He also balances his charisma and magnetic charm, while recognising he’s a ‘misogynistic dinosaur’. Clearly, this is a performance for Bond fans, but if you aren’t one then you won’t feel out of place; the human emotions involved are universal and experienced by everyone.