What happens when you give a mic to lauded scientists with funny bones? A recipe for a solidly good time. This show is well known for bringing together scientists and researchers from diverse areas, allowing them to share fresh perspectives on big issues.
For example, you may hear from someone like Irma Dupuis Day, whose expertise is on sustainability in wine. But rather than using boring stats that’ll send an audience to sleep, you’ll see a presentation using memes and humour to encourage you to both consider the issue critically and have a laugh. Professor Ferry Melchels might use adult gags to discuss anatomy and implants, or Dr Natalie Stevens might share her thoughts on vaccines and antibody trials through the prism of the literal **** she sees every morning (when she says she deals with people’s **** every day, believe her). It’s a great concept that marries two separate forms of communication, both of which are necessary to win over the human brain and heart.
Future Science Talks: Comedy Edition, The Griffins Hotel, until Thursday 6 March, 6.15pm