Reviewed by: The List
Review by Lauren Dallas | 28 February 2025

Don’t Touch My Trinkets is a show not to be missed. A multimedia presentation that uses music, performance and a more classical interpretation of art, from the moment Emma Holland begins her fitness test (running up and down the crowd) she leaves the audience trying to catch their own breath between laughs. Holland’s energy and enthusiasm create a theatrical performance from start to finish, with the perfect mix of suspense, shock and… sculptures.

Expect the unexpected as Holland displays her trinkets, including a painting of an angel holding up a middle finger to Richard The Sexist Cardboard Uber Driver. Each represents a different story; her ceramic sculpture steals the show as it captures the essence of a hilarious date with a magician. Millennials rejoice at this act, complete with Monopoly and Mario Kart throwbacks, but there’s laughs for everyone here. Not only does Holland know how to make art, but she’s able to portray stories that leave audiences rapt: just don't get stuck in the zone of light or risk becoming her muse. But the real risk would be missing the show; move fast and catch it before it ends this weekend. 

Emma Holland: Don’t Touch My Trinkets, The Courtyard Of Curiosities At The Migration Museum, until Sunday 2 March, 9pm.