American performing artist Joseph Keckler brings his unique show to Adelaide. Keckler has created a niche genre for himself, adjacent to musical comedy but entirely distinct – absurdist opera. Thankfully he has the grandiosity and vocal talent to pull it off.
Keckler begins by telling us a “strange story” about an artist retreat he once attended, where he became convinced he was sharing accommodations with a ghost. He decided to tackle the problem by leaving a glass of bourbon out for the ghost, and said an incantation. He then sings “Ghost Song”, an original Italian aria about having sex with a ghost. Subtitles projected behind Keckler reveal the ludicrous nature of his lyrics, although his rendition remains entirely sincere.
This bizarre tongue-in-cheek humour mixed with veneration of operatic arias is a perfect introduction for the show to come. Next he performs “Goth Song” (a stoic German aria) and “Strangers from the Internet” (performed in English, although the vocals and story are reminiscent of Mozart’s The Magic Flute). These are accompanied by their respective music videos over the projector, with Keckler singing live.
With the push of a button, a soft keyboard melody begins playing on the speakers. Given the warmth and quality of Keckler’s voice, he easily eclipses the recording. A live band (or at least a pre-recorded one) would help his voice sound richer. Indeed the only song he performs while at the piano, “I Put a Spell on You,” is wonderful and showcases the breadth of his musical talents.
Keckler’s show feels unrehearsed. He does not seem to mind where he performs, ambling around the stage. Nor can he decide whether or not he wants to use the microphone. These habits together with his deadpan delivery create an unconventional stage presence, which is probably exactly what he wants. His other songs include “Baby Potato,” “Give Me a Light,” and “Shroom Aria.”
Regrettably, Adelaide cannot muster enough patrons with diverse tastes to sell out Keckler’s one-night show. However, those who attend are treated to an intimate, atmospheric, and unforgettable performance.