Reviewed by: The List
Review by Jo Laidlaw | 01 March 2025

Slightly more mature clowns are a bit of a rarity in the wild, and there’s something about the wry twinkle in Andrea Barello’s eye that tells you he’s seen a bit of life. In fact, the former tech dude is a recent convert to clowning and this is his first solo show, which seems astonishing when you consider the confidence and sheer playfulness on display.

Creating a show that pretty much depends on audience interaction is always a risk (and potentially a bigger crowd would inject a little more energy at the start), but that’s a minor quibble; for the most part, Barello makes it look easy. At its heart, this is a simple piece of play, but his mischievous energy drives the whole thing forward into something that’s more profound. A stethoscope becomes a drinking straw, a pencil becomes a record player, a tape measure becomes, well, anything you want it to be as the barrier between audience and performer melts away. This show taps into the little kid that’s still within us all and an hour in Barello’s company is like a little spa break for the soul. 

Tonight! A Clown Who Wanted To Be Loved?, Fool’s Paradise, until Sunday 9 March, 5.30pm.