Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Kristin Stefanoff | 04 March 2025

This family-friendly hour of slapstick and clownish hijinks will have kids and their grownups roaring with laughter. When the boss calls in sick, Baffo the dish washer is supposed to wash the dishes and close the restaurant. But Baffo, seeing himself as a chef in the making, decides to save the day (or attempt to, anyway) by cooking all the dishes on the boss’s list.

Josh Burton is perfect as Signor Baffo. His physicality is marvellous, from miming riding a bike, to many dramatic stumbles across the stage, to riding a lift with no base, Burton does not stop moving for the entire 60 minutes. He also has a beautiful voice (music theatre trained, I assume), which he shows off in several songs throughout the show. Best of all, however, he is wonderfully gentle with his child helpers throughout the show. The performance I attended included several small children who managed to regularly find themselves on the stage, and Burton incorporated them with grace and plenty of funny one liners, while also keeping the show moving for the rest of the audience.

Signor Baffo’s kitchen is chaos of the most fun kind. From a sausage rock’n’roll band, to an all-in meatball toss, this show is interactive and welcoming to all.

Signor Baffo is the perfect family show, particularly for preschoolers and junior primary kids,   and is running for the whole Fringe season. It’s one that should definitely be on the list for your next family trip to Gluttony.