You’re missing out big time if you have never been to theatre sports! Lucky for you, the Adelaide Fringe has two more shows left!
What was it like? A group of actors, or comedians, get on stage, and the audience tells them what to do. Think, Thank God You’re Here. or Whose Line Is It Anyway. If you’ve enjoyed either of those shows, you’ll love a theatre version. It’s a riot of fun and laughter, leaving you in stitches and wanting more.
One more thing: as part of the audience, you’re not just a spectator; you’re one of the judges. The audience judging system is pseudo-democratic—your voice or clapping, yelling, and stomping matters. The loudest wins the vote out of 5, making you an integral part of the show.
An exciting aspect of the show is the element of surprise. Apart from the highly talented performers, we were lucky to have Tommy Little improvising skits. You never know who will turn up, and you get to meet artists from a few other shows.
The 20th Theatresports did not disappoint. This will change your mind if you weren’t going to any Fringe shows this year. If you don’t like theatre, this will change your mind. If you don’t like stand-up, you got it; this will change your mind.
I can’t describe the specific routines since each performance changes, but I can guarantee you will love them. I spent the entire hour laughing and looking around at the audience, and everyone had at least a smile.
After the show, all the performers line up outside, and you can meet them, find out what else they’re performing in, and chat. Tommy Little had his final performance on the day; he didn’t mind telling us it was sold out. That’s good for him; it’s a dream for every performer, no matter who they are.
So grab a drink at the bar before the show, head into the theatre and have a blast.