It’s kind of fitting that Cherese Sonkkila’s debut show is being presented in The Breakout (part of The Mill, a wonderful year-round space for visual art and culture) because it really feels like she’s on the verge of something special. From the opening introductory character (Valencia, who works at ‘supermarket’, and whom we’d gladly see more of) to a jubilant juice-packed finale, there are plenty of gleeful moments. There’s also a lesson: instead of spending more and more time chasing ‘mindfulness’, just go eat an orange. Just like you, it’s enough.
That’s not to say Fruition is the full fruit salad – yet. The more confessional moments feel less confident and perhaps need more energy to bring us with her, some things need a wee tighten up, and it does feel like a series of bits rather than a complete show. But then, the pure daftness of those bits make up for a lot, particularly a film noir-style sketch rewritten for apples, with allllll the attendant puns, and a star fruit who grants wishes. Just like her beloved fruit, Sonkkila is growing into her powers: this is a charming hour of fun with an audience that’s well up for trying something new.