Reviewed by: The List
Review by Jo Laidlaw | 07 March 2025

Ooh, what a hoot. This show from The Beryls skewers a particular brand of community theatre that takes itself a little bit too seriously; anyone who’s ever been in that situation will know what a fertile ground for comedy lies in the country’s village halls. The Beryls mine all that to within an inch of its life, but there’s an affection there, with a keen eye for detail that mean things never get cruel.

In fact, it’s fun times all round, and with 72 parts to cast, you better believe the humble residents of Schlumpsville (that’s you and me, fellow audience members) are going to get involved, if only as a foil for the stunning, method talent of Victoria Beauvoir and the newly minted dramatic maven that is Roger Ann Seahorse. The Beryls are developing quite the following in Adelaide, and it’s a thing of wonder to see just how far their audience will follow them down the Schlumpsville garden path (spoiler: very far; do your vocal warm-up before you arrive). It’s great fun, with a happy ending, and parts for all. 

Cattle Call, The Courtyard Of Curiosities At The Migration Museum, until Sunday 9 March, times vary.