Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Ben Stefanoff | 09 March 2025

I love magic, illusions, tricks, mentalism…I love it all. Every Fringe I am always on the lookout for something that leaves me speechless or mind-blown. For years I’ve seen Ben Hart advertised, but I haven’t been able to fit his performances into my schedule. I was determined to change that this year. If you haven’t had the privilege to experience a Ben Hart show, I urge you to get a ticket while you can.

Up Close is exactly that — up close magic, performed at its very best. Hart has stripped away all the mysterious boxes, the sequined leotard-wearing assistance, giant apparatuses, special effect lighting and pyrotechnics and is presenting magic in its purest form. WIth no other distractions for the magician to use to throw your attention, it does mean the audience is 100% focused on what they are doing. But even with a full venue watching Hart’s every move, he still leaves you speechless. 

Hart is very charismatic. You cannot help but like him. He quickly builds trust with his audiences, which he uses to his advantage. The tricks presented are perfectly executed, and you are constantly left asking, ‘How?!’ Were spirits at work? Was it Hart? He is that good. Hart often will move through the audience with a trick so you can see it within centimetres of your face. This is close up magic at its very best. I don’t want to tell you what happens in Up Close as you honestly just need to get a ticket and witness it for yourself. 

Ben Hart’s Up Close is one of the best magic shows you will experience at this year’s Fringe. He will leave you speechless, he will make you question what you saw happen, and he will make you wonder if you will ever trust a magician again.