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Fringe Feed

The Platonic Human Centipede–Two girls (Mel & Sam) wear black leotards, industrial-style silver jewellery (chokers and multiple earrings) and glare straight down the barrel of the camera. They are embracing one another so almost to resemble one body with two heads, have their hair styled in a 'bug-like' style with tiny plaits sprouting from the tops of their heads, have dramatic blue eyeshadow look on and enlarged 'bug' eyes.

The Platonic Human Centipede

High energy, queer, award-winning musical comedy madness ft. the beauty (& horrors) of codependency.

Audience Reacts

  • ROFL 7
  • Standing ovation 2
15 March 2025 - Marcus F.
Don't let the name scare you off, this was very good. Some great original songs and hilarious skits in between. Cabaret at it's most random!
15 March 2025 - Chloe C.
Perfect for millennial/Gen Z musical theatre queers but there's something for the other gens who appreciate a good harmony too xx :)
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