Between Breath and Bard
She waits in the shadows for his voice to carry her home. He is silent. A mirror reflects. A box is opened. A promise of freedom is whispered. A box is closed. Corners of the room become memories of the past. Dust settles, wind echoes. He finds his voice.
Between Breath and Bard, their story unfolds in poetic threads. Visual imagery and the raw, emotive spoken words, connect audience and poet.
Award winning, local poet Paul R Kohn and WA creative Sally Newman bring their world premiere show to Adelaide Fringe.
This show is for the survivors of darkness, the seekers of hope and those who search for answers in unopened boxes, unexpected moments and unfamiliar dreams.
Please note: Latecomers will not be permitted.
Presented by: First Line Productions
First Line Productions heads into their 9th Fringe World Season. A WA based creative consultancy across stage, screen, gallery and publishing. With an international award winning port folio, they pride themselves on original and powerful Productions.
Ticket Prices
Full price:
BankSA Cardholder:
Concession: $21.00
Companion Card: $0.00
Prices may not be available on all sessions
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction Fee (some exceptions apply). Read more at Fees explained.
1 Venue
Ayers House State Dining Room
Ayers House - State Dining Room, 288 North Terrace, Adelaide, Kaurna
The entrance to the State dining room is through a set of tall wooden doors which are located next to the "Conservatory" glasshouse room at Ayers House.
- Step-free mobility aid access through an alternative entrance with an accessible bathroom.
- Venue is 18+ but minors may attend with a parent or legal guardian
Suitability & Warnings
- High Audio Content