A rubbish mock up of a wrestling belt, but the original markings have been crudely photoshopped to say: 'BR', and 'BIG RED', and 'WRESTLING CHAMPION'. All against a brick red background, complimentary to the font colours used on the silver and gold belt.
With a snarl and a dart hanging loosely out the corner of their mouth, 'Big Red' glares into the camera lens. They have high red blush all up their cheek bones and their eyes are covered in a shimmering baby blue colour. They have a dramatic trashy red lip which is almost clown like.
'Big Red' (once again in the same costume and make up) puts out the washing on the line with a big old doobie hanging out their mouth as they do so. They are set against bright green grass on the ground and a baby pink sheet on the line. Their hair is tied up in an mock mowhawk.

Big Red

Georgina Musgrave is 'Big Red': Queensland's most terrifying, hilarious, disgusting, lesbian wrestling beast!!!


Watch as this London (via Queensland) wrestling sensation brings the pain, maim, and brain to Adelaide. Bloody delights, cutting insights, and hilarious smackdowns ensue.

Expect oversharing, jokes that make you think for a second and then go 'OH! Ha', and an overzealous commitment at all times. 

This fake alter-ego persona is the ultimate vehicle for all to true and vulnerable facts of queerness, s*x, and trying to survive the waking nightmare that is this day and age.


Georgina has been workshopping and trialling material across Australia in the latter half of 2024 for this show's debut at Adelaide Fringe Festival 2025.

Cabaret • Comedy
Queensland • World Premiere
Thu, 06 Mar - Sat, 15 Mar
30 min
Beer Garden at General Havelock
MA15+ (3 Warnings)
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details