Double Take - Two mimes are laughing on a colorful background. Both are women.

Double Take

Mimes weave together ten narratives of varying lengths and tones in a modern take on Mime. Two of NYC's favorite silent storytellers, Tasha Milkman (AUS/USA) and Becky Baumwoll (USA), bring audiences on an epic journey from a bus stop to a mid-flight superhero, passing by a time-traveling love story and returning to a hometown lake at sunset. "Double Take" weaves together ten stories that celebrate the immense storytelling capacity of the body, stretch the imagination, and remind us all of the power of simple storytelling. From comedy to drama and everything in between, join us for an hour-long adventure without a single spoken word. Tasha and Becky are founding members of Broken Box Mime Theater, which reimagines the art of Mime for contemporary audiences.

Theatre and Physical Theatre • Physical Theatre
United States • World Premiere
Sun, 09 Mar - Sat, 15 Mar
60 min
Prompt Creative Centre
$30 to $35
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
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