Loucas Loizou is the actor who portrays the Hero Odysseus standing in front of a large show poster.
Picture Geoff Hastwell

HOMER'S ODYSSEY - A Mini Musical

Embark on an unforgettable journey with our dynamic adaptation of Homer's The Odyssey, a timeless epic that has captivated audiences for millennia. Now in its seventh triumphant year, this performance brings to life the adventures of Odysseus through a vibrant blend of spoken word and song, making it accessible and engaging for all ages.
This is a tale filled with mythical creatures, divine interventions, and unwavering determination. From the cunning escape from the Cyclops Polyphemus to resisting the enchanting Sirens' song and navigating the treacherous waters between Scylla and Charybdis, his adventures highlight the hero's resilience and wit.

★★★★★ "Loucas Loizou has passion, pathos, and humor" THE ADVERTISER.

"Terrific story-telling talents" Tony Knight, Stage Whispers.

"A vivid raconteur" The Age

"Intelligent show" - THE BAREFOOT REVIEW

“sensitivity and elegance” THE ADVERTISER

Theatre and Physical Theatre • Spoken Word
Culturally and/or linguistically diverse
Fri, 21 Feb - Sat, 22 Mar
70 min
4 venues
$12 to $25
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details



    Odysseus’ (Loizou’s) song reminds us that it is better to have loved and lost the loved one than never to have loved at all. - Jan Kershaw, CLAM ADELAIDE


    He sings to them; and in this show it is the first of Loucas Loizou’s beautiful and melodic songs, “Count Your Blessings”. - Tony Knight, Stage Whispers


    Loizou so beautifully conveys pathos, energy, humor, and raw emotion with his smooth and unwavering voice - Patricia Di Risio, Stage Whispers

Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts


    Odysseus’ (Loizou’s) song reminds us that it is better to have loved and lost the loved one than never to have loved at all. - Jan Kershaw, CLAM ADELAIDE


    He sings to them; and in this show it is the first of Loucas Loizou’s beautiful and melodic songs, “Count Your Blessings”. - Tony Knight, Stage Whispers


    Loizou so beautifully conveys pathos, energy, humor, and raw emotion with his smooth and unwavering voice - Patricia Di Risio, Stage Whispers


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