4 women dressed as a gallery guide, an op-shop volunteer, a gardener and a lollipop lady.
4 women dressed as a gallery guide, an op-shop volunteer, a gardener and a lollipop lady on a mobility scooter.
4 women dressed as a gallery guide, an op-shop volunteer, a gardener and a lollipop lady around a mobility scooter.

Retirement Village People

Hot flushes are so last century! Old is the new black! 70 is the new 50! We’re over the hill and skateboarding down the other side, metaphorically speaking! We're retired, but not retiring. We’re everywhere - op-shop vollies, lollypop ladies, community gardeners, city guides, grandkiddy wranglers.

Yesterday we were chicks now we’re chooks! How did that happen?! We’re grabbing what’s left of life by the short and curlies in sketches, songs and more!

Remember if you’re not embarrassing your children, you’re not really enjoying yourself! Who needs sex, drugs and rock’n’roll – give us no sex, prescription drugs and rock’n’chairs!

YOLO – you only live once!

From the team behind ‘Alzheimer’s the Musical: A Night to Remember!’ performed around Australia and the Gilded Balloon at Edinburgh Fringe.

Comedy • Music
South Australia • World Premiere
Sat, 01 Mar - Sun, 09 Mar
60 min
2 venues
MA15+ (1 Warning)
$25 to $30
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details
Season has ended