Band members
An image of a group of white mushrooms
a split image, on the left side are a group of neon blue/white mushrooms growing on a log and on the right are bright orange to brown mushrooms growing on a log

The Mushroom Whisperers

The Mushroom Whisperers is an immersive, sensual cinema experience like no other. It is an audio-visual concert featuring Romano Crivici and Carla Thackrah playing to the backdrop of stunning timelapse footage from Stephen Axford and Catherine Marciniak of Planet Fungi (as seen in Sleeps Hill Tunnel and Follow the Rain). Also playing live with Romano and Carla is one of Australia’s finest didgeridoo players Mark Atkins, and multi-instrumentalist Jess Ciampa - the quartet bring you an intimate, immersive live music event in the beautiful Piccadilly Cinema.

The exquisite fungal time-lapses, which will be combined with evocative music played live to the screen by Romano and Carla performing on multiple instruments, create an mesmerising immersive audiovisual experience that expresses fungi's inner rhythm and other-worldly beauty. 

Film and Digital • Music
South Australia • World Premiere
Fri, 14 Mar - Sat, 15 Mar
60 min
Cinema 1 at The Piccadilly
$24 to $29
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
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  • Hidden Gem 1
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