close up of half white-masked man's face with his open palms beside his cheeks that are covered in different paint colours
Wide shot of a bare chested man who's face is half painted white and has his arms spread out wide. He is standing in front of a canvas backdrop that has many random markings on it, of all different colours & design.
Mid shot of a bare chested man who's face is half painted white. He is seated in front of a canvas backdrop that has many random markings on it, of all different colours & design.

The Poltergeist

"In Yer Face theatre”  Exeunt

South Australian Premiere of master story teller, Philip Ridley’s satirical monologue ( 2021 UK ) about art, family, memory and being haunted by the life we never lived.

Tamblyn Lord ( FAKE ) plays Sasha, a disgruntled artist who was once a teenage prodigy. Over the course of one day his past will be extolled, indulged, challenged and misconstrued.

Art work will be organically created during this performance, amidst a mercurial landscape of Ridley’s ( The Pitchfork Disney ) poetic language and Tamblyn’s beguiling physicality.

This show will bring the audience into the insecure and troubled mind of an artist who has lost their memory as well as their ‘mojo’.

“ this a satire, a family psychodrama or a haunting ?” Arifa Akbar ( The Guardian UK )

Theatre and Physical Theatre • Performance Art
United Kingdom • SA Premiere
Tue, 18 Mar - Sun, 23 Mar
75 min
The Warehouse Theatre
MA15+ (1 Warning)
$20 to $35
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details