Fashionably Late
27 February 2025 - Andrew G.A comedy cabaret from a musical married couple, Fashionably Late is a show all about how there is always time to discover and pursue your passion. Much of the show consists of the duo regaling us with tales of being late to basically everything, interspersed with brilliant musical comedy. Highlights included a tune about accidentally attending orgies, and a banger for the chronically ill called Sick Bitch. A night of joyfully raucous, hilariously vulgar, and relentlessly raw musical comedy. -
Gemma Caruana: Underwire
27 February 2025 - Andrew G.Here we have a show all about a woman's boobs! Or rather, her boob reduction. Featuring some fantastic song parodies sung brilliantly, the bulk of the show is life stories which led to the decision to get surgery. Caruana is full of wit, fire, and energy as she sings songs, performs hilarious re-enactments, while also touching on darker topics. Highly recommended! -
Adult Bubble Show
27 February 2025 - Andrew G.The costumes and props are stunning and creative, but not as much as the bubble work itself. I still can't believe some of the things they manage to do with such a difficult material. It's also the charisma and comic timing of the performers that makes the show as entertaining as it is. They have so much fun with the various scenarios they find themselves in. The show becomes increasingly deranged from start to finish, with some very wild antics (and revealing costumes). Incredibly fun! -
George Glass' Bradbury The Musical
27 February 2025 - Andrew G.A musical comedy loosely based on the life of Steven Bradbury, and we mean loosely. For example, one of his first encounters is with Tonya Harding who suggests lots of ideas involving the breaking of legs. If there is one thing I can guarantee, there is no way you'll predict where this show ends up going. Or if you do, you should probably see a therapist, because it winds up in disturbing places. A gloriously deranged rock musical with fun songs about an Australian icon! -
27 February 2025 - Andrew G.A spoken-word, modern retelling of the Phaethon myth, Helios is without a doubt a one major Fringe highlight. The gods in the legend are replaced with humans in a down-to-Earth setting, making them more relatable to us mere mortals. Ultimately I felt the story was about the myths we make for ourselves to give us hope, meaning, and purpose. Powerful and emotional, the ending left me feeling both heart-broken and alive. Highly recommended. -
27 February 2025 - Andrew G.NIGHTRUNNER is a neon-soaked circus show set in a world where people indulge their (often lusty) fantasies in virtual worlds. But the real focus of the show are the acts. They're a varied bunch, with a few you don't often see in circus productions such as ballet, live singing, and a spectacular dance synchronised with lasers. Naturally, the show is also full of breathtaking feats of strength, agility, and revealing outfits. If you're just looking for a sinful circus, NIGHTRUNNER is for you. -
27 February 2025 - Andrew G.Performed by fashion designer Chelsea Hickman, DEAD STOCK is an experimental punk art performance set in a wasteland of discarded garments. Hickman is literally naked as she confronts her (and to an extent, our own) role in the crimes committed by the fashion industry such as inhumane labour, waste, and consumerism. A fast-paced, wild performance explored through punk rock, spoken word, video, and even a fashion catwalk, DEAD STOCK can be challenging and confronting, but always captivating. -
27 February 2025 - Andrew G.A comedic re-telling of the classic ballet Swan Lake, SWAN? introduces us to Odette, a chain-smoking bird who switches between a quirky, cheerful optimistic and a sardonic grotty cynic at the drop of a hat. Loaded with brilliant physical and verbal (and sometimes vulgar and dark) comedy, Lauren Brady as Odette had us all in the palm of her hand with her expert clowning skills and interactions with the audience. Oh, and you don't need knowledge of Swan Lake to enjoy it. -
Sleeps Hill Tunnel
16 March 2024 - Andrew G.An old train tunnel that was re-purposed multiple times throughout history has been re-purposed again for art installations! Featuring video, projection, and sculpture, this is a wonderful walk through a now forgotten part of Adelaide history. -
Nun Slut
09 March 2024 - Andrew G.So fun that it's a sin, Nun Slut is an absurd, extremely silly journey through religion. It's heavy on audience participation, but fearless performer Clair Robin makes sure from the beginning that she is the butt of the jokes (literally). She spends most of the show as an unhinged, horny nun and kept the audience in stitches using few words, with her actions and expressions doing more than any one-liners could. This is a rude, crude, lewd and super fun show that I highly recommend -
Dusty Feet Mob
09 March 2024 - Andrew G.A dance troupe like no other, Dusty Feet Mob are a group of Aboriginals of all different shapes and colours, with the oldest in their 30s and the youngest being 6 years old. They do a great job of utilising them all in roles that makes them feel like a cohesive whole. Featuring both traditional and contemporary dance, without a doubt the standout for me was the performance about the Stolen Generation. A powerful, moving, and beautiful show, I highly recommend it no matter your ancestry. -
A Sound healing journey
08 March 2024 - Andrew G.A unique sound bath in the planetarium, giving you the comfort of the indoors while still being able to gaze at the beautiful night sky. Incredibly soothing.