The word Gundilya means Strong in Kokatha Language.
The word Gundilya means Strong in Kokatha Language.
The word Gundilya means Strong in Kokatha Language.


Gundilya, meaning Strong in Kokatha, brings together five First Nations musicians for a unique collaboration of strength and unity. 

Join Sonia Smith, Warren Milera, Bec Gollan, Kenneth Wilson and Eddie Peters on a journey of strength through story and song. 

Gundilya shares the beauty and strength of all the artists in an intimate setting amongst the forest gums at Sinclair’s Gully Winery.


Brought to you by Sonia Smith, Gundilya brings together musicians for a unique collaboration of strength.

Music • Storytelling
South Australia • World Premiere
First Nations Australian Shows
d/Deaf and/or Lived Experience of Disability Shows
Culturally and/or linguistically diverse
Sat, 15 Mar - Sat, 22 Mar
120 min
Outdoor Venue at Sinclair's Gully Winery
M (4 Warnings)
$25 to $30
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details