Han sits on a wooden stool in front of a blue background, wearing a cobalt blue hoodie and black corduroy pants. They are having a big laugh at something to the right of the camera!
Han sits on a wooden stool in front of a blue background, wearing a cobalt blue hoodie and black corduroy pants. They are smiling gently
Han sits on a wooden stool in front of a blue background, wearing a cobalt blue hoodie and black corduroy pants. They are smiling to the left of the camera

Han Arbuthnott: They/Hehe

Trans dude Han Arbuthnott (they/he) has a brand new show! And boy is it gonna be fun. 

His last one was all about growing up, and navigating the world as a freshly handsome heartthrob. This one is about other things, like family, dogs, and discovering an ancestor from the 1400s who murdered a sheriff and cooked him into a soup. Woah! 

 But also still the handsome thing. 

“Brilliant, bonkers and off-the-wall stand-up.” Artshub 

Comedy • Stand-Up
Fri, 21 Feb - Sat, 01 Mar
50 min
Alley Cat at Rhino Room
M15+ (2 Warnings)
$15 to $20
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details