I Still Have No Friends - A glowing red paper crown sitting on stack of cardboard boxes. There is a black background. On the right there is "I Still Have No Friends" written in scratchy red writing.

I Still Have No Friends

A huge cracking explosion and a blinding white light.... a lone figure sits shaking in the darkness...

A group of 15 teenagers are stranded inside during their youth leadership conference. There are no adults. They don't have long before food and water will begin to run out. Who will lead and who will follow? What really happened outside? Who are these kids, really? Most importantly, who survives?

Odd Sockz Theatre makes an impact with their debut show with a dark, gritty and thrilling story about unusual situations, strong leadership and the turmoils of adolescence. 
This show was originally developed and staged by SAYArts, and written by Alby T Grace.

Theatre and Physical Theatre • Theatre
South Australia
Fri, 07 Mar - Sun, 16 Mar
90 min
The Mercury Cinema
M (6 Warnings)
$17.50 to $25
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
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