Lost in Translation - PG Edition - Four cartoon people dressed as characters from Harry Potter with squiggles drawn over the picture.

Lost in Translation - PG Edition

Your favourite movies translated badly.

Lost in Translation takes classic film scripts, runs them through an online translator a dozen times, and then reads the results live on stage in character!

For the first time, we've taken our most popular script "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" and taken out all the rude parts.

So now you can enjoy the ★★★★★ "confusing, hilarious mess" (University of Adelaide) with the whole family!

To get the most enjoyment, we recommend you watch the film beforehand.

Check out our non-family friendly shows this Fringe at Rhino Room.

Kids and Family • Comedy
South Australia • World Premiere
Fringe Fund Recipient
Sat, 08 Mar
60 min
The Vault at Fool's Paradise
Primary (8-11) | Middle School (12-14) | High School (15-17) | 18+
$30 to $35
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details