Ukulele: Your First Lesson with WEA - WEA ukulele tutor Chris Waite behind a music stand holding a ukulele.

Ukulele: Your First Lesson with WEA

Ukulele - the happiest instrument - has gained popularity with clubs forming in towns and cities around the world.

The ukulele is an excellent entry level instrument because it's small and easy to hold and only has four strings, which makes chord shapes and scales easier to learn than other stringed instruments.

Join popular WEA Ukulele Tutor Dr. Christopher Waite in a ‘come and try’ workshop and learn to play popular songs using common chords and strumming patterns.

Absolute beginners are very welcome!

Please BYO ukulele.

Workshops & Talks • Music
South Australia
Sat, 01 Mar
120 min
G1 at WEA Adult Learning
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
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