Adelaide Fringe is an open access arts festival with more than 8,000 artists performing across 500+ venues all over South Australia. Being open access means that anyone can register a Fringe Venue. It's not 'we choose you', it's 'you choose us'!
Venue registrations are now open to participate in Adelaide Fringe 2025, held from 21 February to 23 March. Read our Venue Magazine below to learn how to register and the steps to take to have a successful Fringe season.
Looking to program your own season? Show registrations open 20 August 2024, sign up to our FringeWORKS eNewsto be notified of upcoming key dates and further information. Keep an eye on the Event Finder where shows will be listed to show they are still looking for a venue.
Have questions about the 2025 Adelaide Fringe Season? Start your journey by checking out the recording of our 2024 Information Session.
Registering a venue is completely FREE! Our team is here to assist in finding shows to program in your spaces or to brainstorm ways in which you can put on your own events. Please remember that you are not officially an Adelaide Fringe venue until you have a confirmed show taking place in your venue. Want to know more? Jump into AVR now.
24 Jul 2024: Venue Registrations OPEN Jul - Oct 2024: 1-on-1 Support Sessions (online) 1 Aug 2024: Fringe Fund Grant Applications OPEN 20 Aug 2024: Show Registrations OPEN 3 Sep 2024:Meet The Venues (in person) 10 Sep 2024: Fringe Fund Grant Applications CLOSE 30 Oct 2024: Registration deadline for printed program 6 Dec 2024: Program Launch 21 Feb - 23 Mar 2025: Adelaide Fringe 2025
Keep In Touch
Contact Us Stuck with your show registration? Have a few questions? Our Artist & Venue team would love to have a chat via email or calling +61 8 8100 2022.
FringeWORKS eNews Sign up to get all the latest artist and venue news.
Well firstly, venue registration is completely FREE!
And more importantly, anyone and everyone can be involved. It doesn’t matter how big or small your venue is, whether you’ve got four walls made from bricks and mortar or you’re a temporary space (alleyway, pub, concert hall, library, laundromat or double-decker bus), YOU can create Fringe magic in whatever shape or form your venue takes on.
Not to mention, it’s your opportunity to attract and capitalise on the influx of tourists visiting for the Fringe. Tap into a massive market of eager visitors who flock to the festival and are ready to spend money on unique experiences.
As an open access festival, we don’t book artists or program shows for you. This means you can go wild in curating a program that’s unique and favourable to your venue and audience. Play to your strengths and find your niche! You might already host shows throughout the year - register them for Fringe time and expand that audience.
Opening your doors to Adelaide Fringe can open a world of possibilities for you by:
Increasing venue exposure and building new audiences
Creating a potential increase in revenue
Enabling you to provide a supportive platform for artists.
And remember: You ARE NOT an official Adelaide Fringe venue until you've booked a Fringe show or artist.
Finding the budget to activate your venue can be a challenge, particularly with the increasing cost of doing business, but we’re here to help! You can apply for funding support via the Fringe Fund now, applications close 10 September 2024.
Is Fringe for you?
We know the decision to participate can be both exhilarating and daunting. We aim to help you navigate and determine whether Adelaide Fringe aligns with your creative pursuits, understanding what Adelaide Fringe is and isn't, and how to budget effectively.
Councils can assist businesses looking to become a Fringe Venue in many ways, including providing subsidies to reduce registration fees and assisting in promotional activity physically and digitally. Information on what opportunities councils are offering for the 2025 season will be available soon.
How can Councils participate?
You don’t have to have a brick + mortar venue to get involved in the Fringe fun! Create a Fringe Hub in your council area and contribute to the overall growth and development for your community.
Develop your area’s unique character and showcase your local attractions
Support local artists, shows and venues
Build a sense of community and promote a strong network to benefit the residents year-round.
Want to get more people into your business during the Fringe season? By offering a discount to Fringe Members and/or Artists, we'll actively promote it to these audiences. This is perfect for CBD-based cafes, bars and restaurants who are looking to benefit from the additional visitors during the festival period.
Want more details? See the full breakdown of the program here.