Reviewed by: Stage Whispers
Review by Kerry Cooper | 23 February 2025

After Dark Theatre were established in 2007 in Melbourne, Australia. Housing a myriad of talent in the circus genre, they have presented many productions at the Adelaide Fringe. Their latest offering Nightrunner has a futuristic feel, taking inspiration from movies such as Blade Runner and The Matrix.

A large and rowdy audience spread through the enormous tent for opening night. A dimly lit performance space was filled with neon lights and a thumping soundtrack. Upstage a performer sits in a large lounge chair, as virtual reality glasses are placed over her eyes. Our emcee asks the audience to take a deep breath, suspend reality and delve deep inside our minds to release our inner fantasies.


One by one performers showcase their talents. Acrobats display feats of strength and trust, climbing and tumbling to the roar of the audience. Aerial stunts were performed on a swing and rope with effortless grace and another cast member balanced and twirled hoops. Unfortunately, she lost control of a couple, but all was forgiven quickly when she twirled what resembled a giant slinky.

Head of design, Francesco Minniti has provided a visual feast with lighting and music moving in perfect unison. Lasers were used with stunning results and provided one of the night’s jaw-dropping moments. A beautifully executed routine was performed on point shoes and the same performer highlighted her vocal range with a sultry ballad.


Although the production was full of circus feats, it failed to transport me as promised. The concept had potential but fell flat between acts. I was surprised when the production ended abruptly. They missed the opportunity to finish on a high and it left me feeling short-changed