What happens when you leave boys alone with scientific toys? You get chaos, excitement and most of all, you get fun!
The boys from Head First Acrobats are back with their latest show, Elixir Revived. This is a revamped version of their original, but with ramped up comedy and entertainment.
After flashing red lights and alert signals, the show starts with a zombie breakout, setting the stage for four eccentric scientists working for an unknown pharmaceutical company. They're testing the Elixir of Life on themselves and each experiment gives them amazing new powers including, trapeze, ladder work (including a headstand on the ladder), knife throwing, aerial straps, breakdance (with more than a reference to Raygun), springboard and more!
What makes the show special is the boy’s ability to ‘work’ the audience. The performance I attended was packed with an audience who were eating out of the boy’s hands (or bodies). These boys have a real warmth that is contagious and are not afraid to laugh at themselves or the comic situations they place themselves in. There were phones ‘snapping the action’ throughout the production.
Elixir Revived is slick, campy, clever and more fun than a barrel of monkeys! Just watch out for the zombies and stray liquids coming your way if you are in the front rows, but then, who doesn’t like a good zombie or a refreshing spritz!