Reviewed by: Theatre Now
Review by Alana Kaye | 23 February 2025

The last time I wanted to be part of a girl gang this badly was the late 1990s – I had pigtails and a lollipop, and was demanding everyone call me Baby Spice. 

Yep, that’s Bisexual Intellectuals for you. These sassy, fun, intelligent and bloody talented queer queens have, yet again, delivered a show that’s full of heart, humour and poignance. 

I had the good fortune of seeing the debut season of this show at last year’s Adelaide Fringe Festival, and since then it’s blossomed into a full blown award-winning sparkly celebration of queer joy.  

The bisexual intellectuals in question, Millicent ‘Mim’ Sarre, Jemma Allen and Rosie Russell, are the pure embodiment of talent so epic it almost makes you sick. “How dare they have it all?” I say, as I look up at them in awe, owning the stage and their bisexuality. These gals may not be able to sit on chairs but they sure can put on a damn show!

This hour of power calls itself a comedy cabaret – there are original songs, some sketch comedy, a tap break, spine-tingling harmonies, a German techno rap, and a good 5 minutes dedicated to singing about vaginismus. 

“Wait, what?” I hear you say. Well, the brilliant thing about Bisexual Intellectuals is that it’s so much more than entertainment. Mim, Jemma and Rosie are posing questions and sparking conversations that we really need to be having right now. They share their lived experiences as part of the queer community, with a goal to edutain the public through irreverent, intelligent humour, touching stories and impeccable comic timing. 

This show had a sold out season last year, so you’d better get in quick. You’ve been warned… don’t come crying to me if you miss out on a ticket.