Reviewed by: The Adelaide Hipster
Review by Gabby Shailer | 22 February 2025

@mrstommylittle isn’t proud, but he’s definitely disappointed! 

Tommy has set himself some goals, and it’s Tommy so they aren’t regular person goals… they are Tommy goals. Which means a goal that reads more like a something from a superhero training manual than anything you or I would come up. And achieving those goals  is not going well….

Which is the jumping off point for the show, what’s a boy to do when he posts a goal list on instagram and achieving any of those goals is looking dicey. 

How far will a man go…. 

The goals are crazy so the stories about what Tommy did and refused to do whilst trying to achieve those goals are equally insane. Think the Hangover meets Rocky. 

But the promise of this kind of comedy is exactly why I go to a @mrstommylittle show! 

It would have been about 10 mins into the performance where I was laughing/crying so hard my mascara went to a better place. Very worth the sacrifice, love @mrstommylittle and I love @mrstommylittle in this show

It’s been a bit of a gamble which @mrstommylittle you get when you book a ticket for the last few years. Eras maybe? Self Reflection Era? Working on Tommy Era? Bad Influence Era?

2025 is definitely somewhere in Tommy’s Loose Unit Era which which happens to be my fav era! 

Very happy to recommend this show!!!