Reviewed by: Such Cliche
Review by Cara Brown | 28 February 2025

Motion Sickness


Motion Sickness is a slick and funny comedy cabaret from the brilliant mind of Rachel Tunaley.

Rachel jolts from literal car crash to car crash, examining her life as she strives to find herself outside of the confines of Wattle Glen, population 2000.

Packed with action, fast moving dialogue and fabulous songs, Motion Sickness gives us that sense of a relentless search throughout the whole piece.

Tunaley herself shows her immense capacity for musical comedy in all of her patter heavy songs, negotiating quick lyrics with absolute ease. She has the chops and is not afraid to use them.

Stunning to watch, Tunaley is on the go for the entire hour, her infectious energy leaving us wanting to know what happens next at every turn.

Using asides, flashbacks, flash forwards and voiceovers, Tunaley creates an identifiable experience of her journey around the world, at times letting the audience feel as though we are sitting inside her brain as it turns.

The piece itself is fast, capturing the pace of the desperate search for meaning in most of our lives.

The huge themes of self-worth, purpose and meaning of one’s existence are deftly approached in the writing, giving a simpler and more palatable understanding of how we can journey forward.

Tunaley is an extraordinary talent and this show deserves a Cabaret Festival run as well.

See Rachel’s Motion Sickness in action and you will come out feeling much better.

As she says, better out than in!

4 ½ Stars