Reviewed by: Such Cliche
Review by Cara Brown | 28 February 2025

Haunted 2.0 The Witching Hour


On entering the venue that air is already thick with sage and other spirit warding. Quiet yet unsettling music plays and the audience is ushered into lighting fit for a Victorian era séance.

Scottish performer Kevin Kopfstein could read the shipping forecast and make it sound eerie. He has a commanding and spooky presence that has the small audience on the edge of their seats.

Objects with ghostly pasts surround him on the stage and as he makes his way through each of them, the suspension of disbelief is complete.

In weaving the history of each piece into the lace of the show, Kopfstein has created an almost documentary experience which leaves you questioning so much. Mainly is what we are experiencing real? Are we surrounded by spirits?

As a performer Kopfstein is meticulous and measured. He rushes nothing, focusses on each and every member of the audience and stays present the entire time. All of the audience had their eyes firmly planted on Kopfstein, waiting for his next move.

The continual music throughout the performance added to the supernatural nature of the piece, providing a support to the times when no words were necessary and giving the piece the ability to transport you somewhere out of the office block the piece is performed in.

Haunted 2.0 focusses on an incredibly important issue, the systematic demonisation of outspoken, capable and independent women through the witch trials the prevailed in Christian society hundreds of years ago. Kopfstein is more of an ally than a commentator as he highlights the plight of women who were too brilliant for an oppressive society to accept. Something that sadly still occurs in our world today.

Haunting 2.0 is intriguing and captivating, a night out that makes you want to believe.

4 stars