Reviewed by: Adelaide Review Team
Review by Stephen Foenander | 01 March 2025

Gil Hicks
Still Alive and Kicking
Woodville Town Hall

A full house from all walks of life turned up to feel the wonderful range of emotions and gratitude displayed by the always compelling Gill Hicks.

It is no accident that this show won awards in past Adelaide Fringe and Gill's audience were not disappointed on this occasion.
Woodville Town Hall is a wonderful venue to see events and the tiered seating gave fabulous viewing from any angle.
Accompanied by Julian Ferraretto on Violin and Dr Lyndon Grey on Double bass was an unexpected choice of instrumentalists but worked so well from the opening video montage of images from Gill's past and through each of the songs that Gill sang.

The story is one of triumph over adversity, of will and strength, but mostly of humanity, reminding us of the brilliant first responders; Police, Ambulance officers, Doctors and rehabilitation staff that somehow give life back to those that suffer the terrors described in depth by our Gill.
Whilst the show gives the viewer a snapshot of the awful events of July 7 2005, it is more about being human, about frailty, love, strength and as I said triumph.

Gill opened with a soul stirring version of "Stayin Alive" by the Bee Gees and also sang "Summertime" and "Bye Bye Blackbird".
On its own, Gills' story is enough to make you experience a full range of emotions. When you add the soulful, jazz influenced voice that Gill lets loose on the audience, it opens your heart to the emotions that can only be experienced through music.

I love when singers allow the music to take them away to a place where they can be free of any restraint or problems. There were soulful elements that reminded me of the phenomenal Renee Geyer, but always a lean towards jazz in her use of time and feel.

It was clear that Gill enjoyed every moment and the standing ovation from her audience validated this must see show. Perhaps the next show will feature a bigger band and more of this wonderful singers voice. I for one would be glad to be in the audience to witness that.

Gill is a powerful role model to all of us. She tells a story that commands attention particularly in its 20th anniversary since 7.7.2005.
I try not to think of the terror that occurred on that day and choose to think of Gill's constant message of love, peace and persistence, no matter what obstacles life presents to us.

This is a story of love, strength, resilience, humanity and gratitude with a lovely touch of jazz to remind us it wonderful to be Still Alive (and Kicking).

Stephen Foenander
Adelaide Review Team