Rachel Tunaley is just a small-town girl living in a lonely world, and when she tells you her life is a car crash you better believe it. In fact, a car crash is the trigger for a quarter-life crisis that sees her shaking the dust of Wattle Glen from her shoes and heading off for a solo travel summer, which she shares with us through the medium of original songs, a bit of dancing, and a (terrible) Scottish accent.
Tunaley is the definition of a pocket rocket: her energy smashes through any semblance of a fourth wall and from first to last she drives a show with plenty of laughs and actually really funny songs, including ‘Heat Rash In Monaco’ and personal favourite, ‘Bangs In The Wind’. It’s all terrific fun and you’ve got to admire the way she treats each moment as if it’s her very last in front of an audience. Perhaps a handful of more contemplative moments would give the show the breathing space it needs (and the Connections metaphor really isn’t needed), but honestly? Tunaley is a Fringe find who is going places, and those places are definitely further away than the second to last stop on the Hurstbridge line.
Motion Sickness, The Griffins Hotel, until Sunday 9 March, 6pm.