The beautiful vocals of Jessica Bigg and Eliza Dickson harmonize, bringing light to the ADHD party guests while covering sensory experiences, memory, Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria, SQUIRREL!, and much more.
A perfect mix of chaos and novelty together with some structure means neuro spicy and non-neuro spicy brains alike will love this party where Bigg and Dickson make us all feel like welcome guests. There’s humour around common ADHD traits, with sensitivity around more complex topics like executive dysfunction. Videos, dancing and skits build understanding while entertaining us; there’s plenty of on-stage frolicking to enjoy, including songs and parodies of various genres (think Sabrina Carpenter’s ‘Espresso’ with the words ‘ADHD let’s go!’).
This show delivers an important message about neurodiversity and the advantages and difficulties faced by those with ADHD. The performers make a personal outreach and call to action for audience members to advocate for themselves and seek the mental health care they need. We leave feeling we can do anything we put our ‘spicy brain’ to, as well as feeling like we’ve known Bigg and Dickson our whole lives. Set an alarm (or many alarms) and don’t be late to this party.