Logically, I know magic doesn’t exist. But magician Charlie Caper and his show Magical seriously make me question that line of thinking…
After an extremely popular season last year, Caper is back to delight audiences once again. And delighted you’ll be. He is a very likable self-proclaimed “vagabond looking for a princess”, on the hunt for a little bit of magic in a world where it’s hard to find.
I won’t easily forget this performance. Caper is an incredible sleight of hand artist, perhaps the best at the Fringe this year. His tricks range from the traditional (cup and ball, cards) to the contemporary (robots), and he draws us in with a humble charm.
Caper’s laconic Swedish humour adds to this charm – he’s self deprecating, a little awkward, and never showy. He’s mastered the art of deception… There are times when we think his trick hasn’t worked, and he’s equally as delighted as us when he pulls it off. This approach immediately puts him on the level of the audience, and is incredibly endearing.
This show isn’t just a bunch of tricks in isolation. There’s a journey and a throughline to be followed, which sets it apart from other magic shows. There are brilliant running gags that only the hawk-eyed will be able to spot, and the speed in which Caper performs will leave you gasping with bewilderment.
This is a beautiful, poignant show that’s suitable for all ages. It’s enchanting – a little oasis of wonderment in such a chaotic world.