Reviewed by: Glam Adelaide
Review by Natasha Wood | 07 March 2025

The high school netball team that you wish you were part of (if only for the hot pink uniforms!). Presented by Crash Theatre Company, Lady Macbeth Played Wing Defence takes Shakespeare’s beloved Macbeth and catapults it into a 21st century Australian high-school tale as Mac Beth (Orla Poole) vies for the coveted Year 12 netball captaincy of the Dunsinane Hell Hounds. The production includes original music by Project Bexx, energetic choreography, and classical Shakespearean prose woven together to create a new energetic twist on the Bard’s most well-known play.

All Mac (Orla Poole) has ever wanted was to be Captain of the Year 12 Dunsinane Hell Hounds. When she is initially overlooked by Coach Duncan (Courtney McManus) in favour of Chloe Macduff (Shannon Rogers), Mac starts a vengeful journey to win what is ‘rightfully hers’. Throughout the musical, Mac eliminates her competition including state-player Mia Porter (Ana Ferreira Manhoso), and her best friend Summer Banquo (Kate Sisley). Mac is spurred on by ‘The Dagger Divas’, who visit her in her dreams with original songs to help her to plot. Project Bexx provides nine original songs which articulate the plight of various characters; with fan favourites including “Clare the Hair” where Brooke Ross (Georgia McGivern), Jess Malcolm (Gabriela Munro) and Ashley Donalbain (Emily Semple) reveal local netball lore. 

The energetic choreography had netball lovers wishing Shannon Rogers could choreograph their pre-game warm ups. This was mainly delivered centrally which unfortunately meant those sitting in the wider seats in this very wide auditorium did not get the full benefit. There were a few opening night technical gremlins with mic crackles. 

Unfortunately, if you haven’t bought tickets to Adelaide Fringe season you are fresh out of luck as this season has completely sold out- a credit to the outstanding marketing and social media presence from this team! Fortunately, you can find the entire original cast recording on Spotify, maybe use it for your netball warmups.