Reviewed by: The Adelaide Hipster
Review by Gabby Shailer | 07 March 2025

@wonderfullyterriblethings is not a show, its an Attitude! 

And thanks to the incredible leadership of the @cirquesongstress  that attitude is sexy, confident, funny and charismatic! 

@wonderfullyterriblethings is a wild and very entertaining ride through sideshow acts, aerial acrobatics, live music and whatever madness happens along the way! 

@cirquesongstress was the perfect host.  Within minutes the audience felt like we had known her for years. She easily able to create poignant moments, make us laugh or gasp at an epic aerial trick. And can I just say… that voice! 

@cirquesongstress was extremely well supported by @saint_eve92 @matthewxpope @natalyaalessi who were all absolutely amazing, both when working as soloists and working as a group. 

@saint_eve92 burlesque routine was brilliant . They connected with the emotion of the piece extremely well and it  was evident in the movement. The control they have over their body… blows my mind. At times it looked as though the music had caught them and was moving them around the stage … like a plastic bag in the wind.

@natalyaalessi was absolutely brilliant. She showed power in her burlesque routines but balanced it with a delicacy which I think shows a lot of talent. @natalyaalessi is an extremely charismatic performer. She had absolutely no problem holding the attention of the Tent in the palm of her hand.

@matthewxpope was fantastic on the trapeze. So much strength and finesse. And @matthewxpope made it look completely effortless. The whole tent was perched on the edge of their seat watching @matthewxpope perform the whole thing was just so wonderfully fantastical. Thank you for the show @matthewxpope ! 

Part Circus, Part Opera, Part Concert, Part Burlesque Show, Part Side Show…. All Brilliant!!!

Wonderfully Terrible Things is on at @gluttony_fringe until Sunday 16th of March

You definitely need to see @wonderfullyterriblethings 

Tickets available through fringetix on the @adlfringe website