Reviewed by: The List
Review by Jo Laidlaw | 08 March 2025

Sexism and jism: practically the same thing, aren’t they? So declares F@ckboi George, Ellen Graham’s delicious drag creation. You see, George has just discovered feminism and in the best tradition of the male he’s brought us together to tell us allllll about it in his special lecture. It’s a strong beginning that gives George license to be as outrageous as possible, at least until he fixes the audience up with some training aids: a hot button and a water spray. It worked for his dog.

For many audience members, there’s an inherent issue with daft men making stupid comments about feminism: we’ve heard it all before IRL and, while it may raise a wry chuckle, it’s not going to set the room on fire (and, while on one level we really do need more routines about consent, on another, do we really?) Things warm up, though, and the more anarchic the material gets, the more George hits his bewildered-yet-confident stride and the funnier things become. A puppet show finale is a thing of beauty, George’s answer to closing the gender pay gap is hilarious and his sly digs at the manosphere (are the men OK, he asks tenderly) are brilliant.