I loved @abitofamosgill : The Pale, Stale, Straight White Male.
Amos Gill challenged the “truth” of the world we live in really inventive and amusing ways and then he cleverly hid those challenges behind obscenities and dick jokes.
But then no one goes into an @abitofamosgill show expecting suitable for work humour. So if you buy the ticket you know what you are getting.
@abitofamosgill definitely said things that I did not agree with, but I also put some situations in a way I hadn’t considered and the whole time this was happening I was engaged and laughing.
@abitofamosgill has the magic ability to have something to say, the ability to communicate that something and be funny whilst doing it.
@abitofamosgill was a great time. But you need to go into it knowing what you’re getting! If you laugh at the jokes, take away what you need, then you’ll have a great night! I sure did!
AMOS GILL: The Pale, Stale, Straight White Male is playing until the 23rd of March with accessible shows at the Royalty Theatre on the 14/15 & 21/22 - thanks for running accessible shows @abitofamosgill it makes a huge difference to how us mobility impaired folk enjoy @adlfringe .