Reviewed by: See Do Eat Review
Review by Shane Berketa | 09 March 2025

You’ve got to hand it to the Head First Acrobats guys. They seem to have it all worked out from the entertainment side of things. These four performers each bring their own unique artistry to the stage. And, every couple of years or so, they change up the storyline to bring something new and entertaining to Adelaide Fringe audiences. From Godz to Railed to this year's Elixir Revived, you may have seen them before, but you’ll never get bored watching a Head First Acrobats-produced show.

Looking for the Elixir of Life, four crazy scientists decided to test various potions and concoctions on themselves to see what works. And over the next sixty minutes, the audience is entertained with comedic antics, feats of strength, aerial agility and lots of homo-erotic humour. Sometimes drinking the elixir formula works, leading to exhilarating hand balancing, death-defying ladder acts or an astonishing aerial straps routine. And sometimes the potions don’t work, leading to a zombification and death… or a Michael Jackson Thriller dance. Through it all, you’ll laugh, be utterly amazed, or cry (also from laughing), the usual reactions you’ll get from a Head First show. AJ, Liam, Thomas and Cal have such wonderful chemistry together that you can’t help but fall in love with their performances. Little nods to the crowd, a few jump scares to the audience, and a sly grin or two to certain sections of people in the front row make everyone attending feel part of the show. It’s what a lot of new artists are missing in their Fringe Show performances and what makes this crew stand out from the rest. Connection is such a huge part of any show and Head First Acrobats should be used as the blueprint.

Although I personally preferred Godz to Elixir, it comes down simply to your own preference of genre. Elixir is a smooth, well-rehearsed, virtually flawless show. And although I would have swapped AJ’s big finale with Liam’s straps routine for the ending, I have absolutely no criticisms of Elixir. Drink it in and enjoy!



Elixir Revived is being performed now at Adelaide Fringe 2025.


Reviewed by Shane Berketa