Eliza Sanders’ Manage Your Expectations
Hetzel Room at The Courtyard of Curiosities, Tue 11 Mar
We begin with a series of verbal introductions that turn into explanations which threaten to
transform into a tirade. Imagine Spike Milligan meets Kafka and they converse and enter a
maze of mirrors made by Escher, where you feel you may not find your way out. The
dancing script morphs into dancing, tentative at first, as if sculpting the space around her.
Eliza Sanders’ performance is exhilaratingly beautiful in every aspect, and there are many
views to choose from.
The design incorporates an intimate collaboration with technology, so that the raw element
of dance is multiplied and overlaid with a variety of images. The script elements give a
theatrical dimension to make this a fully rounded, integrated experience. The disclaimers
she insists on giving at the start are necessary it turns out, since Eliza’s performance lays
bare both her body and soul.
This involves opening her heart to reveal details of her journey so far, and with the aid of
the live camera we see their gradual evolution through repetition. Like the text, the
repetition is development through constant refinement. Because repetition alone is failure.
At times she changes from a moving sculpture into literally forming sculptures for
significant scenes from her life.
Her life story is extended to incorporate all those who came before her and made her
possible, whatever their motivations. There are plenty of surprises, and many moments of
wonder. The sheer athleticism of such an excellent dancer is a glorious thing, and it is an Olympian task
to manage a solo show with peak perfection. The original Olympics also celebrated the
human form in its pure, natural state. And as they say, we come into this world naked. For
women it is also the state in which they give birth.
The serious themes and meanings are also laid out for us to pick up and run with, or to
dance into our own hearts. Eliza gives a clear picture of how to be completely comfortable
in your own skin. Aesthetically gorgeous, this consummately crafted and choreographed
production is a joyful interpretation of our struggle to be the best that we can be, with all its
horrors and heartbreaks. But like the intricate text and superb dancing we all contain
endless possibilities when you manage your expectations.