A woman is dressed in a black coat, black skirt, black hat. The camera has a fish eye effect, and the woman is looking up at the camera with a frustrated expression.
A woman is dressed in a black coat, black skirt, black hat and is sitting down. She is holding a white parasol and her skirt is flowing on the floor.
A woman is dressed in a black coat, black skirt, black hat and white Nike trainers. She is facing the back but has her body turned around to the camera with wide, beady eyes. She is holding a white parasol.

Dirty Work

Mary Floppins has cracked the s**ts. Wipe the wee from the toilet seat and pick up your dirty undies, because The Perfect Nanny is back to teach all you little boys - and girls - a thing or two about running a prim and proper household. 

Returning home from a two-year creative sabbatical in France and London, Australia's Jessica Barton combines a spoonful of song, dance, clowning, and deep-cleaning to present a skanky and empowering Fringe Comedy debut. 

“Finally! A show for men!” - Jacob Henegan

“I really love that there’s a fully qualified triple-threat that’s doing Clown, professionally.” - Neven Connolly

“It wiggled in between my own wounds and my own feelings.” - Sarah Brown


Comedy • Clown
Victoria • World Premiere
Tue, 11 Mar - Sun, 23 Mar
55 min
2 venues
MA15+ (4 Warnings)
$27 to $30
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details

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