Gogo Bumtime
GOGO BUMTIME is the neon pink cartoon cabaret from the brains of unhinged drag gremlin, Gogo Bumhole.
From the mind of cult-show SEWER RAT GIRL, Siobhan Gibbs creates an epic performance about her complicated relationship with queer shame, chronic pain, and her mother (explains a lot!) all under the guise of a children's TV show. You are invited into Gogo's fantasy world as they guide you through the after-school special cabaret that goes completely wrong.
Watch Gogo pull out every trick they have; from every cavity. Secrets will be revealed.
★ ★ ★ ★ "An experimental, bizarre and amusing piece of performance art... completely different to anything you have seen." GLAM ADELAIDE
This event was created on the land of the Jaggera and Turrbal people. Always was and Always will be, Aboriginal Land. Please contact the organiser for assistance with access needs. Follow @gogobumhole for Adelaide Fringe deals and offers!
Reviews & Fringefeed Reacts
Treat yourself to a show that would not feel out-of-place as a contemporary performance piece at MOMA in New York - Georgina Smerd, Glam Adelaide
Presented by: Gogo Bumhole
Gogo Bumhole is the drag gremlin that excites, entices and frightens audience. Gogo was birthed into this reality in 2020, and has slammed themselves onto every queer stage they can find including The Tivoli (QLD), Brunswick Picture House (NSW) and Woodford Folk Festival. They’ve recently returned from performing across Europe including at All Together Now and Electric Picnic (Ireland), and Same Heads (Berlin). You may also know them as their other performance persona and show SEWER RAT GIRL, debuting at Adelaide Fringe 2022 at My Lover Cindi, nominated for Best Comedy at Sydney Fringe 2022, and headlined Woodford Folk Festival (23/24).
Ticket Prices
Full price:
$25.00 to $35.00
BankSA Cardholder:
$18.75 to $26.25
Concession: $32.00
Midweek Treat:
Companion Card: $0.00
Prices may not be available on all sessions
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction Fee (some exceptions apply). Read more at Fees explained.
1 Venue
The Lab at Fool's Paradise
Victoria Square / Tarntanyangga, Grote St, Adelaide, Kaurna
Festival is on the south side of Victoria Square
- Step-free mobility aid access through the main entrance with an accessible bathroom.
- Venue is suitable for all ages
Suitability & Warnings
- High Audio Content
- High Visual Content
- Audience members interact from the seated or standing area
- Tactile Tours: Thursday 20th and Sunday 23 March at 8.15pm at The Lab in Fools Paradise This tour is inclusive of individuals with sensory needs, allowing previews of the space before the show to become familiar with any 'big reveals,' lighting effects, and loud noises.