here one moment - Mish Meijers, Episode 1 - Flashback Friday, selfie island (detail), 2020

here one moment

A powerful visual contemplation on what it is to be human now. From the individual being, to the social species, to the tiny specks of intelligent life hurtling through the cosmos. The chaos of contemporary global citizenship and the precariousness of our species' ongoing existence. This exhibition brings together a stellar lineup of local and national artists of significance in conversation on the fragility of human existence and the meaning of human life. Trans-historical and multi-generational - featuring painting, sculpture, textiles and new techniques - this is an art show not to be missed. Bombastic, beautiful and slightly unnerving, it offers much to consider at this crucial moment in time.

Image: Mish Meijers, Episode 1 - Flashback Friday, selfie island (detail), 2020. Photo: Jack Bett

Visual Arts and Design • Contemporary
Australia • World Premiere
Fringe Fund Recipient
Fri, 14 Feb - Sat, 01 Mar
Wednesday-Saturday: 12pm-5pm
Post Office Projects Gallery + Studios
Free Event (No Tickets Needed)
More show, venue & access details
Season has ended