A woman wearing a virtual reality headset, the background is the anime streamer Mira on a curved screen with a boy standing in front of the screen interacting with her.
two people playing with vr headsets
two people playing with vr headsets

Mirror XR | Shards of Memories

Join Australia's first AI-hosted interactive immersive (AR/VR) storytelling experience!

Imagine stepping into a room where every step takes your mind off earth into mindscapes of wonder. Meet, talk, and interact with Mira.AI in real life. Mira's celestial power will enable you to experience stories coming alive with Augmented Reality (AR) and unveil how Kira Clairmont - Australia's singer-songwriter overcame emotional challenges in her journey to stardom, teleport into Virtual Reality (VR), where you’ll hear Kira’s inner thoughts and be the guiding voice in her journey of overcoming emotional challenges.

Embark on a virtual journey to cultivate empathy through deeply resonant narratives that challenge your perspective, fostering personal insight and emotional growth by morphing perspectives through the eyes of another, portraying a renewed sense of empathy. Explore insightful stories, interactive mindscapes, & meet Mira AI - Mirror XR offers a novelty you won't want to miss! It’s a journey toward mental wellbeing, powered by the latest in immersive technology. Don’t miss the chance to be a part of this transformational adventure!

"This is amazing, it feels like you're in a different world. The virtual environment feels real, peaceful, refreshing." - Monychenda

"It's amazing, it feels different watching the scene and immersing in it. Having the butterfly flying in front of my face, wow!" - Luana

Supported by the Mental Health Commissioner for South Australia - Staging Change Grants

This show is for ages (13+). For deaf/disabled audiences to help us best assist you, please contact us customerservice@mirrorxr.com.au. 

Supported by the Mental Health Commissioner for South Australia - Staging Change Grants


This show is for ages (13+). For deaf/disabled audiences to help us best assist you, please contact us customerservice@mirrorxr.com.au. Schools Only sessions available, further private sessions during school hours can be arranged for school groups - contact Schools Program Coordinator at schools@adelaidefringe.com.au.

Interactive • Immersive
South Australia • SA Premiere
Culturally and/or linguistically diverse
Fri, 21 Feb - Sun, 23 Mar
50 min
Level 2 at SAE University College
PG (2 Warnings)
$25 to $36
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details

Please note the following sessions have been cancelled: Fridays - 9pm sessions | Saturdays - 11am and 9pm sessions | Sundays - 12pm and 1pm sessions | Tuesdays - 2pm to 7pm sessions | Thursdays - 8pm and 9pm sessions.
