The deer in the headlights. The invincibility. The sweat, the youth, the bars, the boys. The hookups on dance floors, the other people's caps. The smell of the smoke machine. The bigness of the nights and smallness of the consequences. The freedom.
After a sell-out season at Melbourne Fringe, VCA graduate Isabella Gilbert makes her Adelaide Fringe debut with her second solo show 'PUMP'.
'PUMP' is an exploration of club culture. The dirty, sweaty, desperate search for validation; for intimacy; for identity. The coming of age story. The longing to be chosen. A funny and hot take on youth and the artist experience and the endless search for validation. The sticky-floored venues, the audition rooms, the exhilaration, the chaos.
“Breath-taking and outrageously funny” - Beat Magazine
Presented by: Isabella Gilbert
Isabella Gilbert (she/her) is a naarm-based actor, dancer and multidisciplinary performance artist who works across theatre, dance, film, sound and spoken word. She graduated from the Victorian College of the Arts with a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance) in 2020. Isabella has created and performed two solo works for theatre; FLUSH (La Mama Explorations 2022, Melbourne Fringe 2023) and PUMP (Melbourne Fringe 2024). Performance credits include Kovid Rat Kabarett (La Mama 2023), Saudage (‘Nina’, 2021), The Trauma Project (fortyfivedownstairs 2021), The Best, The Fairest, The First (Gasworks 2021), Melbourne Monologues (La Mama, 2016 - 2018) and Six Degrees (La Mama, 2018). Isabella’s artistic practice is interested in the choreographic interrelationship between the body and the voice.
Ticket Prices
Prices may not be available on all sessions
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction Fee (some exceptions apply). Read more at Fees explained.
1 Venue
73 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, Kaurna
Level 1, entrance via Coromandel Place
- The only access to this space is via steps/stairs.
- Venue is 18+ but minors may attend with a parent or legal guardian
Suitability & Warnings
Please note
Sexual assault warning refers very lightly to themes of gendered violence
- High Audio Content
- Audience members have the opportunity to interact or join artist on stage