The Dirty Thirty - a brick wall with a red neon sign reading "the dirty thirty" adult comedy showcase

The Dirty Thirty


Presenting the filthiest half-hour of standup comedy in SA every Friday and Saturday of the Fringe!

The Dirty Thirty is an all-power half-hour comedy show featuring a double act of two of Perth’s best comics doing all the material that they can't at other shows.

Expect racy one-liners, sexy stories, and more adult content than SBS after midnight!

With a secret lineup of comedians (so their mothers don't find out) get ready for a dirty, flirty, thirty of laughs!

**STRICTLY 18+**

Presenting the Fringe's filthiest half-hour of standup comedy every Friday and Saturday of the Fest! An all-power half-hour comedy show featuring a double act of two handpicked favourites doing all the material they can't at others shows!

Comedy • Stand-Up
Western Australia • SA Premiere
Fri, 21 Feb - Sat, 22 Mar
30 min
The Squeaker (open-air) at Gluttony - Rymill Park
R18+ (3 Warnings)
$17.50 to $19.99
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details

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  • Bang for your buck 1
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