Untitled Voice Memo 1136
Jet-lagged from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival Laura spent a month waking up at 3am. Normally the thoughts you have at 3am you keep to yourself, Laura recorded hers and is going to share them. You've been warned.
Presented by: Laura Johnston
Laura quit her job for stand up comedy before ever setting foot on a stage to see if it was actually for her. Just back from performing her first solo show at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival where it was listed by TheatreVillage in "This Year's Top Show Picks for Edinburgh Fringe 2024", it's safe to say she's pretty hooked. Laura has also performed at the Canberra Comedy Festival, Sydney and Melbourne Fringe Festival, the Melbourne International Comedy Festival and the Lithgow Comedy Festival. As well as having performed in lineups with Melanie Bracewell, Luke Kidgell and One Half of the Umbilical Brothers. This is her first time getting to bring a show to the Adelaide Fringe!
Ticket Prices
Prices may not be available on all sessions
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction Fee (some exceptions apply). Read more at Fees explained.
1 Venue
73 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, Kaurna
Level 1, entrance via Coromandel Place
- The only access to this space is via steps/stairs.
- Venue is 18+ but minors may attend with a parent or legal guardian
Suitability & Warnings
- High Audio Content
- Audience members interact from the seated or standing area