Welcome to the Cave - Three mysterious characters standing.

Welcome to the Cave

Welcome to the Cave! A mindfulness retreat to take you away from all your problems. Relax in our spa, get a massage with our therapists . . . and play some competitive games??? Step into the serene chaos of a "cave" that promises enlightenment but delivers existential confusion. The twist: your spiritual guides are not what they seem, and the retreat's celebrity guests are not quite human. You'll engage with the Hosts and the three digital influencer guests, powered by A.I., to figure out what is really happening beneath the surface. As reality starts to pixelate around the edges, you’ll question whether this cave is a sanctuary or a simulation. Get ready to meditate, cogitate, and maybe ctrl+alt+delete reality.

This show involves active audience participation, puzzle-solving, and moving around the space.

Interactive • Sci-Fi
South Australia • World Premiere
Fringe Fund Recipient
Thu, 27 Feb - Sun, 02 Mar
50 min
The Void Motion Capture Studio at The Void, Flinders University
M (2 Warnings)
$17 to $35
All transactions incur a $4.80 Transaction fee.
More show, venue & access details
Season has ended